Saturday 26 November 2011

Devon update

All is well here in Devon although the hedges and walls in the narrow lanes still leap out and damage my car when I have to reverse. Lorry drivers tend to shout as I career backwards out of control. Never mind. All material for the next book!

In two weeks' time I am attending an Author's day at Totnes library. The book is still going well and the lovely Cottage Hotel need some more. I have not yet met Nigel and Fliss up there but I am sure they go there for the lovely cream teas from time to time. (That is if Nigel is still around!)

In a couple of weeks I get the reprint and any typos dealt with, plus A Political Thriller on the cover. It is amazing how many people say it should be a film. Thanks so much for all the encouragement. Tall oaks from ....etc. etc. Watch this space.

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