Wednesday 21 September 2011

Horizons New

Well, as I write, my study is the only room left with any furniture. I will NEVER move again! So Devon here I come and I am looking forward to meeting up with the members of the South Hams Writers group again.

The signing at Waterstones in Amersham went well on Saturday 17th September and I was sold out by 3.30. A big thank you to all of you who have given me such good feedback about the book. Once I have taken breath after the move I will try to follow up the suggestions people have given me about approaching agents and also several people say it would be good on Radio 4.

What an interesting world the writing world is. The interview at the weekend with Hilary Mantel was fascinating. Wolf Hall is such an epic - what an achievement.

Looking forward to more comments. Cheers

Saturday 3 September 2011

On the Move!

First, a big thank you to Writing News for publishing news about The Other Canal in the October issue. The book is going really well and I am looking forward to doing the talk at Beaconsfield Library at 11 a.m. on Wednesday 7th Sept. and at Hazlemere Library on Saturday 10th Sept.
Another Bank Holiday and an auspicious one for me as I drove to Devon on Bank Holiday Monday, came back on Wednesday having bought a house! It is in Chillington in the South Hams and I am looking forward to regularly attending the South Hams Writers' group. I am sad to leave Writers' Block in High Wycombe, but the group will continue with the enthusiasm and skills of the members.
I am looking forward to more people voting for who they think would be good actors for the characters in The Other Canal. Please add your choice to the Actors section.
Enjoy the last of the summer......