We seem to have escaped the snow and cold weather. The hyacinths, daffs. and snowdrops are out in abundance and it has been warm enough on some days to walk along the beach and watch kids making sand castles.
The Other Canal is doing well and I am getting good feedback. I need to find the time to turn it into a script as so many people say it should be a film. I don't know how to find a script writer. There are plenty of sites that will look at a finished script, but I guess the hard work is down to me. I have a deadline for entries to the South Hams Writers' Annual competition, and after that I will have to find more time. This is a bit difficult owing to the tribulations of my new house. Trivial things like mains water leaks, broken shower, unacceptable carpentry, upstairs like a fridge, discovering there are no windows looking on to the garden........Yes, perhaps another book......
I have just read The Caliph's House and enjoyed it immensely. I do have another book in my head, but time....?.I remember a song from many years ago :- "Time, like the wind, goes on hurrying by and the hours just fly. Where to begin? There are mountains I'd climb if I'd time."
(John Rolls I think)
I did write about the good experience with Matador as a self-publisher. After sales has proved disappointing. Courtesy and care go a long way towards recommendations! Nuff said.
Spring springs. Summer is round the corner. Buon giorno!